Student Solution


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2 Subjects

Team Project Proposal

Team Project Proposal

Q BUSI 2200 Project Proposal Guidelines This assignment has 2 parts. The written document will be graded (25 points). The second part is highly recommended, but optional. 1. Project Proposal Document Your proposal document should include the following information and be presented in a clear, well-organized format using meaningful headings for each section and sub-section. Section 1: General Information • Your Team name and the name of each member • The name of the organization • Contact information for the person in charge / your contact at the organization o Contact Name o Org Address o Phone Number o Email • SWOT analysis results – review the organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Discuss how you were able to use the results in your Discovery meeting to complete the SWOT analysis. • Based on your initial meeting with your contact and your SWOT analysis, describe the organization’s needs and wishes. Section 2: Project Vision, Mission & Goals • Project Vision Statement – write a clear and concise statement of the ideal ‘end state’ your team wants to achieve through this project. How will the organization and those served by the org benefit from your work? • Project Mission Statement – write a clear, specific, and concise statement of what you are doing for your project to reach the ‘end state’. • Project Goals – list what do you need to achieve to make your vision into the new reality. At a minimum, you must write o At least 1 SMART goal related to the project work. If your project has multiple components (an event + a fundraiser + volunteering, etc.) include all in your mission statement. (It can be longer than one sentence.) o At least 1 goal related to what you hope to learn as a team. • State why your team chose this organization. • Add any other relevant information about the organization and what you expect to achieve. NOTE: your project proposal document should e a clean, professional document with instructions deleted and headings for all information that you provide. 2. Optional Written Confirmation: After I have reviewed and provided feedback on your proposal, send a copy of your written confirmation to the contact person at the org. This step is not required but will show courtesy and commitment on your part. It will also help you to manage expectations on both sides.

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SWOT Analysis: ? Strengths: 16 years of animal rescue experience, have a website and Facebook account already ? Weaknesses: Employees are not very tech savvy and struggle with creating YouTube channel, very small amount of employees ? Opportunities: PBS is doing an episode centered around a bald eagle rehabilitation ? Threats: ASPCA and other animal rescue centers are more known in the area, legal restrictions regarding animal rescue and personnel working with animals